Hiwin Blocks in India, Linear Guideways Blocks and Rails in Stock

Hiwin Linear Guideways Blocks and Rail most popular series is HG, Blocks HGH and HGW cost-effective. All Hiwin Bearings blocks feature different options for sizes 15mm to 65mm, loading capabilities, accuracies, and more. HGH Block is a low-cost, effective solution from Hiwin. The selection of Hiwin blocks is critical as per the application and the load condition. Based on the application of environmental conditions we need to add additional accessories of seals. Please go to Hiwin Catalogue and calculate load conditions after that select LM rails and blocks. If you need any technical support and selection help please contact the Hiwin dealer. Hiwin blocks are the minimum selection criteria allowed for total load on the blocks, speed of the block moment, the accuracy of the block, number of hours of operation, Number of blocks etc. Hiwin Blocks come in two loads heavy load series and super heavy load series this is a longer block than the heavy load series to carry more loads.